NaNoWriMo 2015

Posted: October 31, 2015 in #IAmWritingNow
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Demon's Birthright

I’m not a cover designer, but NaNoWriMo stats indicate that those who upload a cover have a better shot at finishing a rough draft of their story.

Project: “Demon’s Birthright”

Category: New Adult

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Current Word Count: 24,810

Word Count Goal: 80,000 (NaNoWriMo 55,190)

Story is set in Seattle, WA modern day. The characters will venture between the human world in Seattle and their own kingdom called Chimeria (home of the Light Realm and the Dark Realm).

Short Synopsis: There was once a mighty sorceress who was loved by a dark demon king. She feared his power and ran off with his brother. Their union produced a daughter. When the demon king sought his revenge the sorceress enchanted the baby turning her into a raven. The child escaped to our world with two Protectors of the Realm. The child, known as Raevyn, grew into a great beauty with a price on her head. The demon king, her uncle, wanted her powers and was determined to kill her. Raevyn’s mother hid a magical ring that would protect her daughter and defeat the dark king. With the help of a shapeshifter, Raevyn goes on a quest to find the ring and defeat her uncle before it’s too late for her and the kingdom. Samhain is approaching and her uncle is ready to wage war in their world.

I’m truly stepping out of my comfort zone with this rough draft. I’ve never written a fantasy let alone an urban one. These characters are much more mature than the ones in The Alliance Chronicles.

Why an urban fantasy? Why this tale? I’ve always wanted to put a twist on a fairy tale, but I didn’t want to do the common ones. So, I found a tale by the Brothers Grimm entitled “The Raven” and asked the question ‘What If?’. The story idea grew from there.

If you’re doing NaNoWriMo, keep up with my stats here.

If not, I’ll be posting WEEKLY updates!

  1. This story sounds like it’ll be a thrilling read. Muse well, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

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