My Writing Journey

Posted: November 23, 2015 in #IAmWritingNow, Writing
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2015-11-22 20.52.42

How was your weekend? It was rather frigid for part of the weekend here. Made me want to grab a good book and some hot chocolate.

Let’s see how I did on last week’s goals…


*Continue with NaNoWriMo word count. As soon you can see from the picture above. I finished NNWM! I hit over 50K for a total word count for my urban fantasy, Demon’s Birthright, of 71,297 words! I anticipate the final product after revisions to be 75 – 80K.


*Chat with my critique partner on short story draft #3 (zombie fic).  Didn’t happen. She’s also working on NNWM. I wanted to give her the opportunity to finish as well so, we postponed our session.



It’s editing/revision time! I have 4 short stories to edit/revise plus my manuscript of Regress: The Alliance Chronicles Book One is back from the editor. So, the goals for this week look like this-

*Edit “The RELICs Experiment”…due Dec. 1st for a short story contest.

*Edit “Cursed Hearts” and “Ever After” for The Debut Collective anthologies… due Dec. 15th.

*Edit “Sweetest Bite” for anthology consideration… due Dec. 1 – Jan. 31.

*Time permitting..start edits on manuscript.

3. A FAVORITE LINE FROM MY STORY OR ONE WORD/PHRASE THAT SUMS UP WHAT I WROTE/REVISED: (another quote from my NNWM project…my male lead is speaking with the female lead) “I let you into my life. It took the bond to bring us together, but it’s my heart that keeps us that way. You’ve changed me, Raevyn.”


4. THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE I FACED LAST WEEK: Focus. I actually dreamed the opening of the next book in the Demon trilogy. I was anxious to get notes on paper for it.

5. SOMETHING I LOVE ABOUT MY WIP: (the Urban Fantasy, Demon’s Birthright) This story was completely inspired by The Grimm’s fairy tale, “The Raven”. I love how I took the premise and put a completely twisted spin on it just by asking ‘what if’.

Well, that’s this week’s update. If you’re doing NaNoWriMo, let me know so I can support you too! It’s the last week, stay strong.

Remember, life’s short and there are NO guarantees. Embrace it and enjoy yourself! Have a great week!

Keep reading. Keep following.


  1. Congratulations on winning NaNo!!! The sentence out of your manuscript was amazing!!! 😃

    Liked by 1 person

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